Probably not completely, but to make up for my long absence I offer you all a bit of ~exclusive info.
Okay, not exclusive. But after months of pining over it, and conveniently having a friend visit the motherland, I was set in my path to have Neuer's jersey by the opening weekend of the BuLi season. UNFORTUNATELY, it's sold out for the next 3 weeks.
Bad news for me, good news for Neuer? I'm already picturing a sea of small children running around in his jersey.
I really hope that the people in Munich grow to love him as much as I have! He won my heart big-time in last year's World Cup. He's a phenomenal keeper, and quite the hottie to boot! Hehe! Was just online at the Bayern Fan Shop and plan on ordering his player t-shirt for this season. Love him! Great post!