Tuesday, April 5, 2011

through good times and bad (or sam addresses the südkurve situation)

You know those moments when you want to throw things at a wall, tear your hair out and start making voodoo dolls? You start to feel light-headed and that might be a little bit of anger, but mostly it's just this sinking disappointment that you know will stay with you for days no matter how many times you try to yourself "it's just a game." Those moments when things just don't go your way even though you thought to yourself, "goddamnit I really thought we were going to pull it together this time." Yeah. Of course you do. Those are the "nothing is going our way" times. Those are the bad times. But here's the thing about the bad times - they don't last forever. No winning streak will remain unbroken; success and failure are not static entities. You need the bad times because they're growing experiences. You need the bad times to get to those moments where you literally can't stop smiling and you think your face might just get stuck that way. Those times when you just can't stop dancing and everything feels like rainbows and cakes like it did back in middle school. That's what makes the good times so much better because they feel hard-fought for and you don't take them for granted. I don't ever want to reach a point where I consider winning to be a given because really, where's the fun in that. So, there you are and there's that sinking feeling in your stomach and it sucks because you hate feeling like this. So what? Grit your teeth, down a few shots of Jägermeister and support your team because no matter how crappy you're feeling, I can guarantee that they're feeling much worse.

(I promise I don't usually write so often in second person narrative, I have no idea where that's coming from).

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